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DC Modeller

Plan, build, spend. The DC Modeller lets employees see what the value of their DC Fund could be in the future and what they can do with their savings at retirement.

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What it does

Since the introduction of the pension freedoms, DC savers have more options than ever before. The DC Modeller shows employees what their DC fund could grow to at retirement and the potential benefits it could provide.

Why it helps

Combining clear graphics and intuitive inputs, the DC Modeller helps employees model their financial futures.

By interacting with the modeller dashboard, employees are able to discover the relationship between contributions, investment returns and retirement age on their projected savings.

How it works

After calculating their fund balance at retirement, employees can model their retirement options including cash, drawdown, buying an annuity or a combination of all three.

Want more information?

We are more than happy to talk to you about any of the Lifetime products we offer and answer any questions you might have. Our products can be provided individually, as a small package or as a whole suite – tailored specifically to your brand. So, give us a call, or drop us an email.
